Why does randy orton not like burn in my light
Why does randy orton not like burn in my light

Sheamus said he’s no longer his friend, and he wants the WWE Championship. Sheamus said everyone knows him as McIntyre’s friend. Sheamus was walking backstage when Kayla Braxton asked him what happened. While it’s possible he does at some point during the night, they didn’t really promise it, so I assume they will play up the mystery and take a little time before he makes the official announcement. I like that Edge didn’t reveal his decision right out of the gate. Shemaus just hit McIntyre with his finisher and left the ring, so I guess we’ll see where it goes. There wasn’t a huge beatdown angle that one might expect from a betrayal angle. Powell’s POV: We all knew the Sheamus attack was coming sooner or later. Sheamus left the ring while Phillips pointed out that Sheamus and McIntyre were friends for over twenty years… When McIntyre turned around, Sheamus blasted him with a Brogue Kick. McIntyre watched Edge leave, then held up his WWE Championship belt. Edge said that he would let McIntyre know his decision, but he will walk out of WrestleMania as champion regardless of who he opts to challenge. Sheamus asked Edge why he was looking at him. He told McIntyre that he has a big target on him. McIntyre asked Edge if he would make his decision or if he needs to make it for him.Įdge said he would assess the situation and let McIntyre know. McIntyre said he appreciated it, but he’d handle it. He said that McIntyre might take the high road, but he sure as hell does not. Sheamus headed to the ring and confronted Edge. Both men were interrupted by Sheamus’s entrance theme. McIntyre said he’s not that type of champion. “I won the Royal Rumble last night, that means I can challenge you for that championship at WrestleMania.”Įdge said McIntyre could kick his head off, but instead he’s showering him with compliments. Edge said he appreciated the compliment and he said he has been a mentor to him, but he had to be blunt. McIntyre told Edge that he’s proud of him for winning the Rumble match. He also recalled being in the Rumble match last year when Edge made his surprise return. McIntyre recalled being there when Edge had to retire. McIntyre thanked Edge for everything he did while he was champion and said Edge was always there for him. McIntyre started to shift the focus to the men’s Royal Rumble match, but he was interrupted.Įdge made his entrance and joined McIntyre inside the ring. McIntyre put over Bianca Belair for winning the women’s Royal Rumble match. “Thank you,” McIntyre said while looking into the camera. He said he went to war and earned the respect of Goldberg, who also earned his respect. McIntyre said the Royal Rumble was awesome. He said they were kicking things up a notch because they are no on the road to WrestleMania. Once in the ring, McIntyre welcomed viewers to Raw. The broadcast team of Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Samoa Joe checked in with Phillips recapping still shots of McIntyre beating Goldberg the night before at the Royal Rumble. WWE Champion Drew McIntyre was introduced by ring announcer Mike Rome. Live from Tampa, Florida at Tropicana Field Now if only he could talk them in to changing that tired Raw theme song.By Jason Powell, Editor ( Raw (Episode 1,445) The last entrance song he had was terrible. The following week, CM Punk debuted and they gave him my music." Powell's POV: This story meshes with an item I posted months ago regarding Orton's hatred of his old entrance theme and his attempts to have it changed. Finally, I gave them a CD and said that I wanted this music, so they bought the song and they played it for two weeks until Vince said it didn't fit my character. I told Vince (McMahon) and Kevin Dunn, the producer, that I hated my music, so they said they'd get me something new, but it was four years.

#Why does randy orton not like burn in my light full#

They even tried to tweak it a bit and I still hated it." To read the full interview, visit. I hated it from the first day I heard it. "For the longest time, I had the Burning My Light or whatever the entrance music was that started with 'Hey, nothing you can say,' and I hated that shit for all four years. "I wish we could pick our theme music," he said. Orton also sounded off on his last entrance theme. "First I thought I wasn't good enough, because I couldn't lift the controller, but eventually it got to a point where that stuff's really helpful.' "Any movement I could do with my left arm for my collarbone was great," Orton said of playing Nintendo Wii. Randy Orton discussed video games and entrance music in an interview with. Randy Orton vents about his last entrance theme, says video games helped him rehab his collarbone injury, reveals which wrestler ended up with an entrance theme that was pegged for him

Why does randy orton not like burn in my light